People we’ve worked with
Redeemer City-to-City
Redeemer City-to-City is a non-profit organization that prayerfully recruits, trains, coaches and resources leaders who cultivate gospel movements in global cities primarily through church planting.
The Navigators is a worldwide mission partnership existing in over a hundred countries, which places particular emphasis on learning about faith and sharing this with others.
Forge Global
Forge International focuses on developing leadership that can understand the missional challenge and proactively develop strategies, approaches, and teams to be able to take the church onto new and uncharted ground.
IMI Kirken
IMI Kirken is a a church that exists to see the goodness of God made available to people around us. It is a community of diverse people of all ages and life situations.
Anglican Diocese of Wellington
The Anglican Diocese of Wellington (ADOW) comprises over 90 parishes across the southernmost region of North Island, New Zealand, with a vision to “be a vibrant, spiritual and coordinated Christian faith community that reaches out and transforms our world.”
Rebuild has a vision to see what some have called the missing generation of the church (kids, youth, students and young adults) become the rebuilding generation of the church.
CityLife Church
CityLife Church is a church where everyone can encounter God and discover His purpose for our lives. We are passionate about friends, family, life, following Jesus and making a positive difference in our world.
Salvation Army
Salvation Army UK is a worldwide Christian church and registered charity, which has been fighting against social inequality and transforming lives for over 150 years.
Church of England
The Church of England believes that a church is more than bricks and mortar. It is a community of people who, together, live in relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
All Nations
All Nations is a Missions Training and Sending agency. They send missionaries to make disciples and train leaders to ignite church planting movements among the neglected people of the earth.
Eco Presbyterian
Eco Presbyterian seeks to be a movement, not just a denomination. Their mission is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Catapult is a vision activation shop for churches, denominations, networks, non-profits, and missions agencies, supporting them to take them further faster, helping their organization reach new heights.
Crossroads is for anyone who wants to seek God-from those exploring whether or not God even exists, to committed Christ-followers. They present biblical truths and show how they apply to our everyday lives. And they have a lot of fun while doing it.
Junction 42
Junction 42 exists to see the lives of offenders and their communities visibly transformed. They create community, encourage independence and empower transformation in the lives of offenders and ex-offenders, as well as in the lives of their family and friends.
Young Life
Young Life is a global ministry working with teenagers, engaging them in various activities, clubs and camps. Young Life provide spaces for teens to be themselves, have fun and consider some of life’s biggest questions like, “How can we best live our lives?” and, “Why are we here?”
New Thing
NewThing helps church leaders launch and lead local networks of churches that collaborate to plant and multiply even more healthy churches.
Mennonite Church Eastern Canada
MCEC is an anabaptist denomination consisting of around 120 congregations. MCEC are committed to making disciples, growing congregations and raising leaders across the region in which they minister.
New Wine
New Wine’s vision is to equip the local Church to release confident, Spirit-filled followers of Jesus.
Soul Food Edinburgh
Soul Food Edinburgh vision is centred around the power of a table. Holding to the fact that hospitality is something which is core to the very heart of Christianity, they hope that the ordinary setting of a dinner place becomes a space of life-changing relationship and community.
Reconciling Leaders Network
Reconciling Leaders Network is about building a worldwide movement of Christians who are inspired and equipped to live out this call.
Divine Renovation
Divine Renovation inspires and equipped parishes to be missional and through them bring people to Jesus.
Global Partners
INNOVATE believes that every neighbourhood across Canada deserves a Jesus centered, disciple-making, peace presence. They are called to catalyze disciple-making movements for the greatest Kingdom impact; supporting and resourcing congregational teams on a journey of missional disciple-making; together growing an extended family on mission.
Nederland Zoekt helps people build communities in villages, neighborhoods, and cities throughout the Netherlands. They encourage people in shaping their faith close to home, working together in love, and making a difference in their environment.
The Cairn Movement exists, working together with others to mobilise a missionary movement in Scotland and Ireland, through pioneering, collaborating and training.
Good Soil Collective/Te Waka One Pai is a whanau of diverse Christian leaders across New Zealand who share a passion for mission and discipleship. They are made up of church pastors, pioneering leaders, and everyday followers of Jesus, from different denominations and organisations.
Kairos Connexion is a network of churches and leaders in England and Wales who have committed to travel together on a journey of mission and discipleship.
Verre Naasten is the global mission organization of the Reformed Churches in the Netherlands (RCN). Verre Naasten helps churches and Christian organizations to share God’s Good News in words and deeds, in their own contexts.
Harvest India 72 is a growing work that delivers disciple-making training in 5 regions across India, and now into Nepal & Bhutan as well.
M28 is a a collective of churches in Kenya and across East Africa who are moving towards a paradigm & practice of disciple-making in the leadership, culture and ministry; living out the call in Matthew 28 (M28) to disciple-making.